I was born in Ekaterinburg. During the cold war, my family escaped the turbulent Soviet Union ‘through a crack in the Iron Curtain’ to the United States. I continued my artistic journey in Europe and in Amsterdam I ventured into the realm of abstract painting. It felt revolutionary to me: scary but liberating, and above all exhilarating. Creating abstract paintings is an ever ongoing experiment, which never stops surprising. It allows me to explore new methods, techniques, and materials resulting in unexpected effects.
From an early age, I was trained to strive for lofty aesthetic harmony within figurative visual representation. This quest for the “Golden Fleece”, striving for visual balance, was so deeply instilled in my mind that it has become an instinct. Within my abstract work I am still striving for this classical perception of perfection but in a purer manner. It is a symbiosis of Western abstract expression supported by classical Russian art tradition.
- GROUP EXHIBITION – Sint Lucas exposition SHE/HER“I’m looking forward to showing 4 of my newest paintings at Loods 6 Sint Lucas exposition SHE/HER this November!”